Art-o-mat Adventures across the USA
photo courtesy of Ann V.
When you make art and send it out into the world, it is real treat to find out where your creation ends up. This week, I received the kindest email from Ann V.
Art-o-mat patron letter
On a recent trip to our nation's capital, Ann purchased an Endearing Young Charms keychain at the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Here's a shot of the Luce Foundation Center machine where Ann bought her keychain.
photo courtesy of Art-o-mat
Ann is a roller derby champion and outstanding art lover who took her keychain all the way from Washington, D.C., to Vancouver, Washington. Here is her sweet note:

Thank you, Ann, for joining the movement of folks enjoying accessible, affordable art. You made this artist's day!
Art-o-mat Sales Update
Over the past couple months, I have received new green cards (a.k.a. "Activity Reports") detailing my sales for Art-o-mat at new locations across the United States.
Here's an example of a recent green card.
I added the new locations to my Art-o-mat Sales map. It's exciting to see these little flags pop up on on my Google map.
(If you want to make your own special map, just follow the instructions from my blog post called "How I made my Google map for art sold.")
New Sales Venues
It's always interesting to look up the new places where my art has sold. You can easily say that my art lives a much more adventurous life than I do!Wise Man Brewing
Wise Man Brewing in Winston-Salem, NC, is the location geographically closest to me. Three friends began this craft brew project ten years ago and grew the dream into a thriving business. Construction started in 2015 to refurbish the former Angelo Bros. wholesale supply warehouse in downtown Winston. Now a stunning taproom is open to the public every day, and you can purchase the Wise Man Brew beer here and in other locations around the Triad in North Carolina.
photo courtesy of Wise Man Brewing on Instagram
Puscifer (the Store)
I had never heard of Puscifer until I realized that this retail store hosted an Art-o-mat machine. Now I realize that it's the name not only of the store/museum/art installation venue, but also the name of Maynard James Keenan's latest band. The former Tool vocalist opened the Jerome, Arizona, store to showcase his line of clothing, band memorabilia, and limited edition collectibles.
Rye Arts Center
The community-based arts nonprofit Rye Center began in a Westchester County barn in 1960 with $400 and the vision of a few friends. Today, the Rye Center operates multidisciplinary art programs through a $1.2 million budget. I would love to drive up I-95 to this beautiful coastal city, the home and final resting place of first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Justice John Jay. Here is his Greek Revival childhood home, Jay Estate, part of New York State's Path of History and open to the public for tours, performances, and special programs.

If you find yourself on the mainland across from Long Island, be sure to check out the Rye Arts Center and visit the Art-o-mat housed there. John Jay would approve!
With apologies to Gilbert Stuart, The National Gallery of Art, Public Domain
Kishwaukee College
My art also has sold in a northern Illinois community college, 60 miles from Chicago. Over 10,000 students attend this rural school, surrounded on all sides by corn fields.
Photo by Mike Crews. See more of his work at
The Kishwaukee River, or "River of the Sycamore" runs nearby in DeKalb County and marks the northern most natural range for the sycamore tree. The Potowatomi Indians harvested large sycamore trees near the riverbed for their dugout canoes.
I hope you have enjoyed this little tour of the United States with me. One day, I hope to visit a bunch of these locations for myself and add to my personal Art-o-mat collection of outstanding art from other Artists in Cellophane.
Until next time...
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