
Showing posts from February, 2014

More in my fabric sketchbook

Just having fun with some Mondrian and Kandinsky-inspired images for my fabric sketchbook.

Latest from my Sketchbook

Every once in a while, I need to draw a flower.  I'm also experimenting with gouache paints on canvas cloth. Hope everyone is having a very happy weekend.

Book on the Bauhaus School

For those who love a good read about artists, here is an excellent book I suggest you pick up:   The Bauhaus group : six masters of modernism by Nicholas Fox Weber.   This art and architecture school existing in Germany between the two World Wars housed extraordinary talent under one roof, until pressure from the Nazi government forced the leaders of the school to close it in 1933.  Living and working in this atmosphere influenced the work of all of the artists here.  While their work was denounced by the Nazis as "degenerate art," the artists' work nevertheless enjoyed worldwide acclaim during their lifetimes and of course, after. Note:  The writer explores the personal tragedies and triumphs of each of the major artists teaching at the Bauhaus.  He describes the financial, emotional, and mental devastation that affected many of the artists after the first World War.  The writer attempts to be even-handed with criticism, legend, and popularly accepted t

Artomat portfolio pages added to blog

Blogger has added a really nice feature, which allows you to add pages to your blog, making it more like a website. I have added 4 Artomat Portfolio pages to the blog, so that you can see all 50 works I painted for my first ever Artomat installation.  Each of these pages has a "Mini Masterpiece" that comes in a box with a short background piece about the original artist (Kandinsky, Mondrian, Klimt, or Frank Lloyd Wright). Here's a link to the first page of my portfolio.   Wondering where you can find original art dispensed from a refurbished cigarette machine?  Looking to start an art collection without breaking the bank?  Check out the map , and know that new locations are being added all the time.  For the low, low price of $5, you, too, can become an art collector!  (Take that, Southeby's!  Just kidding, Southeby's.  You're a wonderful, classy, really expensive organization.)  :)