In searching for content related to quite possibly my favorite painter, Vasily Kandinsky, I've come across some great finds: Helen Mirren speaking on Kandinsky's paintings (with a lovely Bach "Invention" musical score; Mirren interviewed at MOMA) NPR Podcast on the Life and Work of Kandinsky Art Story page on Kandinsky itunes podcasts on Kandinsky's book, written in 1912, on the Spiritual in Art Here is a work of Kandinsky's that I sample often in my work. I love the strong geometric lines and symbols. I love the colors, the chaos, and the organization. I never get enough of taking this piece apart and studying a bit here, a bit there. Composition viii, 1923 Those who know my work for Artomat know that I sample my favorite art influences all the time. I do this in a visual medium, but I recently found a TED talk by British music producer (and NY DJ) Mark Ronson ("Uptown Funk") on music sampling in the digital (or even post-digital) age. His