Art Supplies for my 2 week MoDeRn CrAfT Workshop

Several years ago, I wanted to experiment with acrylic paints beyond the surface of a stretched canvas. This is when I began exploring gourds and wood crafts as grounds. My wood arrow craft from my Klimt class, with reference work behind. If you are a student in my Skillshare craft workshop, you may have many questions about where to buy these items and what paints work well on these surfaces. I cover some of these questions in our Klimt or Matisse class videos, but this blog provides a great place for me to provide more details. Where to buy gourds: I have bought pre-cut, craft-ready gourds from the following US retailers: Welburn Gourd Farm Meadowbrooke Gourds Amish Gourds I always buy my gourds cleaned, which means that the dirt has been scrubbed off the surface. But many folks enjoy growing and cleaning their own gourds. Please make a note of shipping times as delays could set you behind your original project timeline. Also, pl...