Art-o-mat for Christmas

I asked for one thing this Christmas, and my family gave it to me.  It's a cedar display for my Art-o-mat collection.

I am so happy with this display.  Steve built it.  Alex and Clarice sanded it and applied the polyurethane finish.  I have added to this collection over the years, but the Swap Meet during the Art-o-mat 20th anniversary at SECCA this year really helped me expand my vast Art-o-mat empire.

Here is what started it all:  fellow Art-o-mat artist Dennis Wells put his handiwork on display earlier this month, and so I immediately put my order in to Santa.

Photo courtesy of Dennis Wells, who is 
an amazing artist. Check out his work here.

My cedar display is possibly my favorite Christmas gift of all time.  It will bring so much joy for years to come.  Now that I have met most of these artists in person, each piece of artwork means even more to me.

Essential Holiday Run to Delurk Gallery

In the final days before Christmas, I promised Clarice and Alex that they could pick out a couple more Art-o-mat pieces for us.  So we ran to Delurk Gallery for a holiday art fix.

Baby Nate wanted Melanie Troutman Williams' Pongo from her "Doggone" series.

Alex picked Marley from the same series.

 Artists in Cellophane:  Check out the machine below to see if your art is featured at Delurk in Winston-Salem.

We already mailed an Art-o-mat stocking to a dear friend earlier this month.

Our final purchases from Delurk on Saturday included a wolf from Holly Swenson's 20th Century Club (animals that have gone extinct since the beginning of the 20th century). The graphite Newfoundland Wolf is Alex's favorite.  I love how Alex learned about art AND science at the same time.

Laura Lashley's gorgeous work at Delurk.  
This piece radiates the magic of the season.

Happy holidays to you!


  1. Beautiful Christmas you had! You have a wonderful Blog. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thanks for your kind comment, Rene'. I am really glad you enjoyed the art presented here.


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