Expressive Little Faces

I have enjoyed (another!) of Amarilys Henderson's online classes -- this one is called Expressive Little Faces.  (You, too, can take her class and try out Skillshare for $0.99 for 3 months by clicking here.)

I always have my pen and sketchbook with me.  Earlier this summer, I sketched each child in Vacation Bible School group so that I could remember them and their names better.  I had the youngest age group (5 year olds). They were a hoot!  ;)

Unfortunately, I had to stop drawing faces and loves because the kids were becoming too interested in seeing themselves drawn.  (I needed them to pay attention to the lesson being taught by our speaker!)

I hope to be able to do this again soon so I can learn more about each child while practicing my sketching skills.  It was a great, improvisational activity to develop my sketching abilities.

Hope you enjoy,


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