Inspiring Artists: 3 artists "discovered"

When I come across artwork that makes my heart sing, I want to share with all of you.

Instagram Discovery:  Erik Davis

In the last few weeks, I have fallen in love with the work of three artists.  Two of them I have recently "met" over social media and (that wondrous creation) the internet.  One of them is an old friend who has teamed up with me to sketch at least monthly at our local Barnes & Nobles Cafe.  (Do you love Starbucks as much as I do?  I think our friends and families are starting to wonder if it was really necessary that we meet at the Cafe to sketch. *wink wink*) 

I follow a LOT of talented artists on Instagram, and one of those is Erik Davis.  You can follow his insta account also at @sketchererik.  Recently, I bought (for a great price) his new holiday cards.

If this poignant watercolor painting doesn't get you in the mood for the holidays, then I don't know what will!  Contact Erik through his website to order your cards, too.

(Side note:  If you like beautiful artwork and/or photography, Instagram will be your new best friend.  Artists actually interact there, and end up forming a supportive community.)

Blogger Discovery:  Cassie Stephens

I have been beefing up the number of artist's blogs that I follow.  That's how I found a fantabulous blog by Cassie Stephens.  She is an elementary art teacher in Nashville, Tennessee, and she makes the cutest artsy dresses you will ever see.  Click on the photo below to see her blog post about the art dresses she wears to school.

Some kids don't have art teachers in their school.  And some fortunate artists-in-training have Cassie Stephens. Cassie's humor and excellent teaching skills come through in her writing.  You will LOVE her blog, and you can follow her on Instagram, too.

Real Life Discovery:  Lou Ann Peters

I've known Lou Ann for years, but you know how life has a way of taking over and then, one day, you wake up and reconnect with a friend?  Lou Ann and I reconnected over Facebook, even though we live in the same city.  We hatched an awesome plan to get together and sketch on a regular basis (read:  draw a bit while dishing about art shows, events, and other gossip) while drinking some glorious coffee.  

Lou Ann is an outstanding painter of realism.  Lately, she has been churning out small works with a door theme, like this 5" x 7" painting below.  You can see more of her work on her Facebook page.

Please check out these artists to learn more about their work and to put a dash of inspiration into your day.



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