Giveaway Details for 2 week MoDeRn Art Challenge

I hope you will join us for another workshop in my Skillshare class on Abstract Art.  This two-week workshop begins Sunday, March 27, and ends Saturday, April 9.  On Sunday, April 10, I will publish the winners of three giveaways. 

I am so excited to tell you about these prizes, because the artists behind them are amazing.

Sophie Roach Original Design T-shirt

The first prize introduces our class to the Austin, Texas artist, Sophie Roach.  Sophie's work includes clients include Nike, Converse, Fiat, Austin City Limits Music Festival, Uber and MiO.

One student will win an XL t-shirt with an original design by Sophie.  (valued at $30)
(photo courtesy of Sophie Roach)

Sophie is known for her vibrantly colorful, rhythmic, and imaginative designs.  To see her current work, check out her Instagram account.

Ilan Leas Original Archival Drawing on Paper

Another prize for one hardworking student is an original drawing by New York artist Ilan Leas.  His geometric, zen-like designs bring to mind a more beautiful and elegant cuneiform for modern times.  I am mesmerized by Ilan's intricate linework.  Each drawing takes the artist several hours to complete.  You can see a sped-up mini-video of him at work on his Instagram.

Pictured below is the 6" x 6" drawing in electric blue Sakura Gelly Roll Moonlight pens on 60 pound, acid-free black paper (a $115 value).

Sophie and Ilan are contemporary artists whose work is inspirational.  Take advantage of the time before the workshop starts on March 27 to peruse their work.  This is an excellent opportunity to sketch new and interesting ideas that may later influence your work in the class and especially, your personal stamp on your final painting.

Remember that participants who upload a completed project by 11:59 EST on Saturday, April 9, and who interact by commenting on other students' projects will be eligible for the giveaways.  

There is one more giveaway, an Art-o-carton.  My next post will introduce you to the artists whose work is in our new carton.

I hope these prizes encourage you to learn more about contemporary artists who have so much to contribute to our ongoing conversation about art, symbols, and personal meaning in the work we do in this class.

Keep sketching!


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