Art-o-mat for Christmas

I asked for one thing this Christmas, and my family gave it to me. It's a cedar display for my Art-o-mat collection. I am so happy with this display. Steve built it. Alex and Clarice sanded it and applied the polyurethane finish. I have added to this collection over the years, but the Swap Meet during the Art-o-mat 20th anniversary at SECCA this year really helped me expand my vast Art-o-mat empire. Here is what started it all: fellow Art-o-mat artist Dennis Wells put his handiwork on display earlier this month, and so I immediately put my order in to Santa . Photo courtesy of Dennis Wells, who is an amazing artist. Check out his work here . My cedar display is possibly my favorite Christmas gift of all time. It will bring so much joy for years to come. Now that I have met most of these artists in person, each piece of artwork means even more to me. Essential Holiday Run to Delurk Gallery In the final ...