Kelly's wedding dress sketches

Kelly is planning a wedding and looking at wedding dresses , and while that's exciting , sketching wedding dresses has to be the most fun thing in the world. :) So I'm having a lot of fun working on these sketches that we've been discussing over email. Feel free to vote in the comments section here or email us about which ones you like or why you don't like them. The main idea we wanted to achieve was a look in harmony with summer and the outdoors: free and light and flowing. This dress is clean and has simple lines. She can use stark white material and use some satin on the piping/cinching at the waist to make for a clean summer look. She could also have a satin skirt. I have sketched some roses in her hair, which could be white chiffon material or real white rosebuds or white satin rosettes. Also, we are thinking that some chiffon rosettes in pale colors: peach, pink, foam green or pale yellow would be lovely. This dress is basic and could stand embellis...