Greenville, NC Art-o-mat Adventure: Emerge Gallery at Pitt County Arts Council
Earlier this week, I had the privilege to visit Emerge Gallery at the Pitt County Arts Council in beautiful downtown Greenville, North Carolina.
Please forgive the low light photo. I visited in the late evening with my friend, Elaine Anderson.
Here is the lovely Art-o-mat machine at the Arts Council.
Elaine is an amazing REALTOR(R) and wonderful leader in civic and charitable organizations locally and all over our state. She was a wonderful host to me and took me on a tour of downtown Greenville, which has undergone a Renaissance of revitalization. The home of state-of-the-art medical facilities and East Carolina University, Greenville has become a favored relocation destination in our state.
Again, please forgive the low lighting here. The knobs are beautiful and vintage on these recycled cigarette machines.
Now made to vend handmade art instead of cigarettes, the machine offers affordable and accessible culture experiences for the low, low price of only five dollars!
I have met folks from Olio Glass Works in Winston-Salem, NC, and Dean Konop's Something Fishy work is famous among Artists in Cellophane.
Artists in Cellophane are artists like me who contribute our work to Art-o-mat. See if you can find your work in these pics!
So many tempting choices here!
I don't know what's in the mystery column.

I bought a Sarah Whittington original painting, which comes with a lovely acrylic frame to prop up my original work. Sarah is the mother of Art-o-mat founder Clark Whittington.
I also bought a blue ceramic mug produced by friends Julie Rogers and Rae Brown, who are professional potters. This one features a real maple leaf imprint from Rae's yard.
Rae Brown is Elaine's daughter, and I really enjoyed meeting her during one of her pottery classes at Emerge.
Just another happy art adventure on the books!
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