New BohoBlu handbag design is finished

Recent find (grey canvas handbag) at BohoBlu in High Point, NC.
This is the final design I painted on the front of the bag:  
Aztec, lotus flower and zentangle influences here.

I kept the same color palette (black, white, turquoise, gold) for the back pocket design.

Progress shot (back)

Beginnings of the front pocket design

Original handbag (back)

Original handbag (front)

Where did my artistic influences come from?

Curvy lines:  Perhaps these came from Poirot's mustache (and my Dad's mustache) 
and a general love of the Art Deco period.

For the scrollwork on the back pocket, I kept thinking of my 
Grandmother's (Nannie Sue's) storm door from the 1960s.

I found hardware from 1960s storm and screen doors on Ebay.
Did everyone's grandma have a door with designs like these?
Now that I've completed the scrollwork on this bag, I really want to buy
a door like my Nannie's for my house.


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