Tips for Poll Workers: Make Your Day at the Polls a Success

Habits for Highly Effective Poll Workers
  • First of all, know where your polling places are, and print yourself a map to get there the night before.  Put this map in your car.  Even if you forget your cell phone, you can still get to the polling place on the day you signed up to work the polls!
  • In Guilford County, NC, all polling places are here. For instance, the Bur Mill Club satellite polling place is located at 5834 Bur‐Mill Club Road, Greensboro.  
  • Second, know what times your polling places are open.  Generally, polls are open from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm during Early Voting.  Early Voting takes place in North Carolina on the following dates:  
  • Thursday, October 23 - Saturday, October 25.  (Saturday has shortened hours.)
  • Monday, October 27 - Saturday, November 1. (Saturday has shortened hours.)
  • This means that the polls are closed on Sunday, October 26, and Sunday, November 2, and Monday, November 3. 
  • Election Day is Tuesday, November 4.  Hours are 6:30 am - 7:30 pm.

  • Third, make sure you have the appropriate materials.  I (Nicole) will meet volunteers with lots of flyers and handouts, but the most important poll working material is a yard sign.  (I will also bring this.)  Why?  Because people can read the large print yard signs from many feet away.  This is important because NC polling places will not allow you to get within 50 feet of the door to the polling place.  
  • Fourth, wear comfortable clothing that's weather appropriate.  The high on Friday, October 24, is predicted to be 72 F.  If you are in the shade or it's cloudy, you might get a chill.  Bring a warm sweater or fleece with you just in case.  Gloves are also not a bad idea for those who are a little cold-blooded.  Comfortable shoes are a must, because we will be standing most of the time.  I don't think it's going to rain tomorrow, but I will have umbrellas just in case. Usually it is better not to wear sunglasses. When talking politics, people want to be able to see your eyes.
  • Fifth, I'd usually tell you to bring a yard chair, but I will bring chairs tomorrow, so don't worry about this.  Although standing is best, occasionally a volunteer may need to sit down.  
  • Sixth, work in teams so that someone can be a "gopher" if needed.  Tomorrow, I'm your gopher, so I will go buy hot coffee, cold idea tea, or donut holes -- depending on what my awesome volunteers need!  But, generally, working in teams is a great idea because you have someone to chat with during the down times.
  • Seventh, use a warm, conversational tone, and hold your sign high while uttering a quick, memorable catchphrase, for instance:  "Vote yes for 1/4 Cent for Schools!"  I will have talking points on the literature in case someone wants to learn more in depth about why GRRA supports the 1/4 Cent Sales Tax Increase for Schools.

Thanks, everyone, and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!



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