Inspiring Videos on Klimt

Today my workshop students are recharging their creative batteries again by researching artists who inspire them.  Today, our focus is on Gustav Klimt, a celebrated painter of the Vienna Secession.

I hope you enjoy a couple of videos I have selected on this outstanding and groundbreaking artist.

One thing I had not realized about Gustav Klimt is that he took a 5 year break from the public view of the art world after the death of his father and younger brother. During this time, his art became much more personal and less concerned with what was fashionable.

At times, we all face difficulties that cause us to look inward. Klimt used these difficult times to communicate something real and meaningful to him in his work.

I hope you that this insight bolsters your belief in yourself and in your evolving work. No artist (not even Klimt!) ever has all the answers. We work only to continue to improve and communicate something meaningful.


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