
Showing posts from 2010

Christmas Day Snow pictures


Clarice's glasses + Nicole's graduation

Steve took some really nice pics of Nicole & a few of her classmates last Sat., Dec. 18th at the Reception for Graduate Students. Tracy & Nicole Nicole & Shanell Josh & Nicole Now that she's turned 8, Clarice just got new glasses. She looks awfully scholarly in Mom's cap, gown & hood. :) Feels great to graduate!

Clarice's 8th Bday

Clarice & Monique Clarice's 2nd Grade class

Tacky Day at School

Clarice poses for Tacky Day (for Spirit Week at school).

Trick or Treat!

Clarice & her friend, Annie, went Trick or Treating last night. Here they are getting goodies from Dad Arnold. 1 witch with blue hair + 1 Princess Peach with blonde hair = 2 much fun.

Halloween Brownies

Here are some pics of Clarice (Princess Peach from Super Mario Brothers) & her Brownie troop at their Halloween party last Monday.


Clarice, Karlie & Steve on our big tree. Nick, Steve & Clarice at Nick's baseball game.


Clarice (in middle) & some of her troop tonight before delving into the Pumpkin Patch.

Finished House

I delivered this painted house to the Associated Artists' Gallery in downtown Winston-Salem today. The house is not large enough for a dog, but is a great size for a cat (although, unfortunately, cats seem not to want houses. :( Both sides of the roof are identical, but each vertical wall is different. I wish it had not been raining when I took the pics, or else I could have gotten better shots! Here is the invitation if you want to come to the auction: It's free & should be a great nite of fun. I can't wait to show Clarice all the different houses that everyone's been painting. I saw a preview today & they are outstanding.

House for AAWS

As a fundraiser for the nonprofit Center for Homeownership , the Associated Artists of Winston-Salem are painting wooden houses for an auction called The Art of Homeownershi p . This project has been so much fun already & all Clarice & I have done is paint the little house white with gesso primer! I will post some more photos as I do this project in stages. It will be a great evening on the night of the fundraiser.


Clarice & I found this dragonfly (already dead) at the park today when we went to play. We had to bring him home so we can sketch his wings in our sketchbooks!

Monday morning

Here is Clarice before school today. I put the appliques on her jumper last night.

New Celtic paintings

I re-worked my Celtic Firebird painting and have now completed my Celtic Dragons painting. I am entering them in an upcoming show.

3rd day of 2nd grade

It was so humid this morning, that my camera continually fogged up. I got some better shots of her, but they were fuzzy due to the humidity. We have had some rain here lately. Clarice was looking cheery in her bright pink shirt.

1st day of 2nd grade

Here is Clarice this morning, with her new (larger) bookbag for 2nd grade: 1st day at Hayworth Christian School . You can click on the picture to see a bigger version.

We love to illustrate

This is a small illustration from my 2002 children's book (colored pencil).

Celtic Firebird

I am thinking of entering this new work in a show next month called "Cultural Crossroads." I have been going through a big Celtic art phase. This piece has elements of the "fire of inspiration" (flames), St. Brigid's cross (the 4 antique brass/metallic elements around the rim of the circle), & of course, Celtic knotwork (body of firebird). I do not know of firebirds being present in Celtic folklore, so my inspiration here is a mixture of Celtic design with Slavic/Russian legend.

IF: Breakfast

Here's an illustration of breakfast from my children's book, published in 2002. (We had permission from the Neese's family for the Neese's sausage: yum.) :)

Saturday evening drawing session

Clarice & I had a fun time playing around tonight. I will post some of her work later. Here is a sketch I did of one of my favorite flowers (and words!)... periwinkle. I also practiced the unical hand with my calligraphy set (from my 6th grade birthday party, thank you, Jennifer Holloway) tonight -- just to enjoy some Celtic lettering. The necklace pendant is made of some really cool stone that my Mom-in-law bought for me while she was in Hawaii. I was using it as a (decorative) paperweight to hold open my sketchbook.

IF: Ripple

From my children's book a few years ago...

IF: Trail

A few years ago, I did this pastel painting of this "watery trail:" the Intracoastal Waterway off the NC Coast. I love the IW, and those who are fortunate enough to have spent time boating on it know how it can draw you into its magic.

Celtic Seahorse

I actually like my seahorse better than my snake. Maybe that's because it's closer to the original bronze design from the early 4th century B.C. I added a few things to change this from a griffin's head design to a seahorse.

Illustration Friday: Slither

Ever since seeing THE SECRET OF KELLS, I've been interested in Celtic designs & illuminated manuscripts. Added some knotwork and animal features to this "S"sketch as my entry this week for Illustration Friday 's "Slither."

Food art by Clarice

Summer Cakes: maple leaf, pink rose face down, begonia leaf Small Special Salad Delight (English ivy leaf, boxwood sprigs, pink rose petals) Small Special Salad w/ fork from maple branch Clarice with Pink Donuts & Summer Cakes .

Last Day of 1st Grade

Hard day for a Mommy & Daddy... last day of 1st grade for Clarice.